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In light of the upcoming Full Moon, we thought we’d pay homage to the legendary Full Moon Party held each month on our beloved, Koh Phangan. No one is precisely sure how the first Full Moon Party went down (not even those in attendance), but word on the beach is it went a little something like this:
Once upon a full moon, a group of backpackers washed up on the shores of Koh Phangan. Their names and countries of origin remain unknown. Our story takes place sometime in the 1980s– way before #wanderlust was ever trending on Instagram. Having met on Phangan’s sister island, Samui, the travellers found one another and a Thai fisherman with a boat. Buzzing with the anticipation of Party Gods, Phangan called the eclectic crew to its Haad Rin beach. From there, moon magic ensued.
The rare visit from foreigners enticed the curious locals. Tiptoeing out from their bungalows, they joined in on the serendipitous celebration. Fires were lit. Stories were shared. Beers were cheered. Buckets were filled with booze. Beneath the moonlight, the strangers danced together in ecstasy. The beaming moon shined brighter and brighter until her light filled the sky and nighttime became morning. Eventually the dreamers fell asleep in the sand. And so, the first Full Moon Party was born.
Fast forward nearly four decades and the Full Moon Party is going stronger than ever. In honor of each lunar cycle’s culmination, Haad Rin Beach is poppin’ with tens of thousands of international guests. Koh Phangan’s Full Moon Party is the quintessential backpacker experience, but did you know honoring the moon is a tradition which dates back centuries? Even our ancient ancestors worshipped nature's disco ball in the sky. Host to intuitive, creative, and social energies, the light of the moon has a big pull on our vibe. Historically, New Moons are a time for goal setting while Full Moons are an occasion for celebrating.
There’s no better place to celebrate the full moon than on an island that parties in synch with it. Ready for a life changing experience? Come dance in the moonlight with your very own Tru Tribe by booking onto one of our Full Moon Party Experiences!
Words by the wonderful Barbie.Follow her if you want to read more on Instagram @readbarbiesmind.
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