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We're all just riding the rollercoaster that's life, continuously moving along the track going up and down and sometimes we can find ourselves at a standstill. Now and then we need those gentle shoves to steer us in the right direction, even if they come from the unlikely of sources. We all experience moments like this throughout our lives. When you feel like you're at a crossroads not knowing where to go next.
In these moments, we can choose to sink or swim, and this is precisely why travelling gave me the direction I needed and the opportunity to press the restart button on my life and take back control. There are so many reasons, big or trivial, that can stop us in our tracks and make us question what we are doing with our lives. Although these times are hard, a positive can be produced from a negative; they allow us to make a change.
We can coast along in a situation for long periods of time, convincing ourselves it’s what we want when really all we are doing is lying to ourselves, and let's be real, we've all been guilty of this. WHY YOU LYIN' FOR. Okay yeah, change is scary, but it gives us the chance to break away from something we thought was ‘good’ to find something REALLY great. I decided to make that change. I needed to do something solely for myself, and travelling was the (perfect) answer. I've always wanted to travel, but when I felt that travel bug itch flare up I convinced myself that I had too much going on in my life, I couldn't possibly travel far away and take on a big adventure...could I?!
The answer you're looking for is YES you 1000% can. This time, I listened to myself, and once I had booked my flights, the bad days became less frequent, and I found myself opening up to the idea that things were going to get better. Because like D:REAM (a band from the 90s) once said, things can only get better! I think the biggest hurdle is actually embracing the unknown and the chance of something new and fresh. The thing about travelling is that it’s not actually a matter of money (Kim K is that you?) but it's a matter of courage. Have the courage to put two fingers up to the world, throw yourself into something unfamiliar yet exciting, and chances are you'll never look back. Hey, don't just take my word for it, read here how taking a gap year could be the best decision you ever make!
And being surrounded by the most remarkable people, who are still some of my closet friends despite us living on different continents (I'm not crying, you are). I could sit here and describe to you the adrenaline that is coursing through your body when you’re about to throw yourself off the highest canyon swing in the world, swimming amongst the phytoplankton in Cambodia and bathing an elephant in Thailand, standing on a glacier or spending your days laying on a white sandy beach from dawn till dusk with a beer in your hand.
But why would you want to listen to it all from me when you could experience it all for yourself and have your own stories to tell? I’m not telling you that you have to quit your job, leave your family & friends and go away for a year (even though I’d strongly advise it) but just take some time out for yourself, be selfish for once and take a two-week backpacking trip to truly open your eyes and see what else is out there BEYOND your postcode. Go on... you know you want to!
Yes, it's cliché, but if everyone says it, there must be some truth to it, right? So, what are you waiting for, instead of feeling the same way you do now, why not make a change and do something to make this year truly one to remember. Do something you've always wanted to do, go to that country you've always dreamed of visiting because in life you can live many years that can mean little to nothing and have just a few moments that can mean everything. Make sure your year is full of ground-breaking, epic moments.
Book your great escape now, and we promise it'll be the best thing you'll ever do! Until next time & remember,
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