Giving back at Christmas
Our Tru Christmas Missions
At TruTravels we believe that the travel industry has the potential to change the world for the better. Our vision is to unite people, companies and charities from all over the world, with the common goal of reducing the current global equality divide, whilst showing our travellers the most amazing, life-changing experiences during their time with us.
With that in mind, every Christmas we take on what we like to call ‘Tru Christmas Mission.’ This involves everyone in our loving TruCrew to take part in a challenge to raise as much money as possible for varies charities that we work with that are close to our hearts.
In December 2022, the TruCrew took on a series of challenges in the hope to raise £10,000 for two incredible charities that were and still are in desperate need of help. They got involved in 50K walks, chopped and donated their hair, ran marathons, ultramarathons (amazing right?), cycled the island of Siargao and did so much more. Overall they raised over £11,000! This money has been split between a charity who is supporting the people in Maynmar and gone towards building a school for the children in Cabuli Island. If you haven't read about the amazing work that these two charities are doing then do go ahead and read our 2022 Christmas mission blog.
In 2019, instead of raising money for just one charity, we thought we’d mix things up a bit and support six different charities across Asia and the U.K. Everyone in the TruCrew took on individual challenges to raise money towards one of the causes with an overall target to raise £5000.
Our chosen charities we supported were; Centre Point, Gili Eco Trust, Siargao Masaya, PACS, SOS Sri Lanka and the Cambodian Buddhist Association for Vulnerable Children (CBAVC).
From beach cleans, fundraiser pool parties, half marathons, triathlons, volcano hikes, tattoo’s, and some of the guys even died and shaved their hair off, we’re super excited to announce we beat our target and raised a massive £5452! This money will be spread over our six chosen charities, so big love to everyone who donated.
In addition to the fundraising throughout the month, we organized another volunteering experience for our staff on the ground in Asia. This year we had about 30 staff from across Asia come together in Siem Reap where we donated for and built two wells for the Cambodian Buddhist Association for Vulnerable Children (CBAVC).
Check out the blog to see exactly what we got up to!
In December 2018, we decided to kick off our very first Christmas mission! One of our legendary Thai Group Leaders, Mickey, suggested going up to a village in a very remote part of Thailand near the Burmese border and donating time and money at a very underfunded school in the area. We put the idea out to our staff and almost immediately we had 45 members of the TruFam asking if they could be put on the list for the volunteer trip. Considering there were only about 60 of us in Asia, and some of the guys had already planned to go home and visit family over Xmas we were really happy with the response we got from the team.
The next step was raising money to buy supplies for the kids and the school. All our staff immediately jumped on board and thought of creative ways to raise money for the school. By the time we headed for the school December 14th, we had raised over 4000 GBP!
Check out the blog to learn all about what we got up to and where the money went.