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Play Money, Money, Money by ABBA because we're talking cash! No-one wants to come across a hidden cost or spend more than they intended on something and trust us, we've learned from mistakes here at Tru. So, we've put together a guide on how to avoid being faced with money problems!
We recommend using one of these banks on your travels as they offer fee-free spending. You literally don't pay any additional exchange rates and you can add Apple and Google Pay. It's so easy to use it and transfer any money you need.
In some countries, especially in Asia, shops and cash machines will whack on commission when you with your bank card. The best way to avoid this hidden commission charge is to carry cash as well, especially because sometimes cash points can swallow your bank cards (happened to us once and it's a pain in the arse). We did a tip on diversifying your money here!
It might sound strange but our biggest tips is to haggle. Everyone haggles in South East Asia, most vendors actually expect it! We recommend that speaking a little of the local language, being polite, not getting carried away and even asking a local what you should be paying. This can save you some serious cash -which you can then spend on beers;)
Transport can be a big stress when travelling but it can be super easy. We recommend agreeing on the price before getting in so you don't get scammed. Grab and Gojek are great apps to download if you're travelling Asia, they're basically Uber.
We hope this has helped you plan a bit more and helped you save some wongaaa!