A very welcome back to another bit of F**king Good News. Bringing you some positive vibes and a gentle reminder that there is still some good stuff going on, or at least some amusing stuff that might make us think or smile. In our first good news edition, we shared with you some cool science stuff, some humorous satirical news sites, and a hilarious Ozzy bloke sharing some tasty recipes in his battle against jar sauce and other rubbish instant meals.

This week we want to share a few more humorous and positive things which might bring some amusement to your days when all the mainstream media seem to want to do is create a frenzy of fear and outrage by pushing scary stories and outrageous clickbait headlines. Here we go.



So the dreaded C-word has seen many businesses struggle, but on the flip side, we have also seen how some businesses have displayed creativity and changed up their business models in order to adapt and work within the ā€˜new normalā€™. Here are a couple of examples:

Innovative ideas to get businesses going again.

Brewdog created hand sanitiser in their distillery to give to those in need.


Times have changed, our way of life has changed but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be for worse. If anything this situation has taught us is to adapt and power through. Yes, the past 4 months have been testing but the COME BACK IS ALWAYS BIGGER THAN THE SET BACK. Or something like that right? Dig deep, put your creative genius thinking cap on and watch success fill your very veins... and if that doesn't happen check out our guy Dan Kelsallā€™s book ā€˜this bookā€™ on marketing and navigating your way through this crisis. It's brutally honest, open and frank and exactly what we bloody love at Tru..




ā€œIt is not the strongest of the species that survives, but rather, that which is most adaptable to change.ā€

I have no idea who said this but apparently it wasnā€™t Charles Darwin... I know, I thought it was until just now tooā€¦ And no, this is not really where the goats come into it. Although mountain goats seem pretty adaptable. And ninja AF.

The reason that I start with this quote which we now know isnā€™t one of Darwins, is because it is also true in the business world (remember Kodak?) and we have now started to see some businesses showing some real creativity and adapting their models in clever, innovative, funny, or just necessary ways.

My favourite example of this is something I had to share, someone has thought so far outside the box that the box is no longer on the same panet. An organisation that has connected some crazy dots to come up with a crazy idea that has worked absolutely bloody amazingly. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the wonderful people, and indeed animals, of Cronkshaw Fold Farm.

In a stroke of unbelievable genius, these guys somehow realised that whilst the nation was at home getting more and more tired of Zoom (Video) meetings/calls, they had the one thing the nation needed to add a bit of fun back to their days sitting right in their backyard all along. Itā€™s making the connection between these and the current surge in video meetings, and the untapped demand for something which didnā€™t yet exist which is so brilliant. An outrageous adaptation of their business model executed gracefully and humorously. What is it?

Allowing people to add goats to Zoom Video meetings, obviously. Yes, thanks to these guys, you can now pay to have a goat join your video meeting for 10 minutes for about 5 quid. That my friends, is a bargain. When I discovered this, I immediately booked one for the next available 9.30 TruTravels morning meeting without telling anyone. Mary is her name, and she did not disappoint.

Only slight issue was that the goads of Cronkshaw farm were understandably in high demand so the next available 9.30am slot wasn't until the following Tuesday by which point I had completely forgotten that I had booked Marys services. So when she turned up for the meeting it surprised me as well as everyone else, especially Charlie who had to let her in from the waiting room (and quite rightly wondered who the F Mary was even before he saw she was a goat).

Cronkshaw Fold Farm, we salute you! This is pure entrepreneurial genius and we wish you goat success. Everyone else, you can get your goat here


So back to the quote at the start of this section, no matter who said it, itā€™s correct, but with regards to modern business, I think thereā€™s a bit missing. In recent years, more and more businesses around the world have started to realise that they have the power and resources to change things for the better and that we canā€™t wait around for governments to do it for us. We must be adaptable AND we must operate for the benefit of all involved. Giving a bit of profits to charity wonā€™t cut it alone.

Profit and maximising shareholder wealth should no longer be placed above all else. People and the planet must start to come first and it is the companies that have realised this and begun to act on it that will lead the way in the future. We should remember that with our buying choices. Humanity is at a cross roads, and we the people have the power to change things for the better. So let us support those businesses who are making efforts to adapt their business models not just to survive in these tough times, but also to better serve the planet and all the people on it. We have always strived to use our business as a force for good but we know we can do better and we are working on it.

To end the section on a nice positive note, here's an insta feed you might want to follow which shares little snippets of positive news and nice stories of people being kind to each other. We all need more of that right now. @TanksGoodNews




Also, some cute, lovey dovey shit happening in lockdown:

Coronavirus has sadly seen many couples have their weddings cancelled or postponed, but not all love is lost! Check out the Fed Ex driver who played a vital role in this coupleā€™s big day as they set out to the beach to recreate their wedding social distancing style, without their rings as they had not yet been delivered. They posted a note on their door asking for him to head down to the beach to deliver them and he got there moments before they said ā€˜ I doā€™. What a legend!

Fed Ex Driver delivers wedding ring to couple that was due to get married

Man proposes in Iceland supermarket after trip to Iceland is cancelled.

The next best thing right?! We love this story.




The world is opening up again and weā€™re finally allowed to go on holiday. CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH?! FCO Travel advice has been updated with 59 destinations that you will no longer need to quarantine on arrival and more being added in the coming weeks. Although this means we can now travel again weā€™re not diving head first into a 2ft high pool. Weā€™re opening up slowly and cautiously to ensure we can still run the same epic life changing adventures. Weā€™re running 6 destinations around Asia in countries with a low or non existent Covid infection rate. Weā€™ve upped our game giving enhanced hygiene training to our travel ninjaā€™s, weā€™re providing our TruTravellers with hygiene packs and even updating our transport to from public to private where we can! Months of hard work and the TruFam have pulled together to make this happen.. Were fucking excited! Weā€™re happy to announce thatā€¦




Group of Young Travellers standing on floating Log Holding Hands in the air while others Float on Tubes in Lake







& if you can't travel as far as Asia just yet we're offering a brand new TruExclusive. TRUCATIONS. We're bringing you the ultimate TruFam experience just slightly closer to home! 7 days sailing the crystal clear waters of the Aegean Ocean on our Tru super yacht hopping from island to islands such as Mykonos, Santorini and Naxos. Yeah we CLASSY AF. We've got 3 night breaks to our very own GREEK RETREAT, Think a huge terracota mansion full with your best mates. Dreamy right? If that doesn't wet your whistle we've got a huge medieval castle in Spain with tennis courts, a boozy jacuzzi and even an outdoor pizza oven. We dine Al Fresco now baby! If you're not keen to travel far weve got glamping here in the UK! Think Glastonbury 2.0. but with some bloody legends.





Where ever you end up, we hope it'll be with your TruFam.

Joe & the TruCrew


TruNews - No Fake Stuff




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