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We get it, flying can be scary. Especially if it’s your first time flying solo, maybe you’re getting on a plane that is bigger than expected (A380s are what we’re talking about) or you just simply have the fear… we get it, it can be nerve-wracking but we’re here to help! Lucky for you some of the TruCrew are ex-cabin crew and are here to give you some of the best tips to help you overcome your fear to make sure that nothing is stopping you from booking that dream trip away! So buckle up and read on…
1. Book your seat
If turbulence is what you're afraid of then we would recommend you book a seat as close to the front as you possibly can. Things can get a bit rocky at the back of the plane whereas the front can feel a lot smoother. As well as this, you might also want to book yourself a window seat. This is so you can take a look outside whenever you feel nervous and see that everything is absolutely fine. Even during turbulence.
Ps. Think of turbulence like a pot of Jelly. If you pop a tiny little toy plane in it and give it a wobble, the plane stays put. It never falls out or to the bottom of the jelly pot! Don’t believe us?? Try it for yourself at home!
2. Distract yourself
Keep yourself distracted! Download a podcast, your favourite music, read a book, bring a crossword book, do anything to keep your brain busy so that you don’t have time to think about all the little worries you may have. If you’re keen to watch something then do your research before a long haul and look for what films will be available for you to watch. Select a few so you can feel excited to watch them. Or if you prefer, download your favourite series or films on your own tablet/laptop!
3. Avoid certain drinks
We don’t recommend drinking any alcohol or caffeine the day of travel as it can often make you anxious. Opt for a peppermint tea or even better a camomile tea! One extremely important thing though is to keep hydrated. Water will be your best friend on the flight!
4. Give yourself plenty of time
Don’t arrive at the airport in a rush. Give yourself plenty of time for queues, to go to the toilet, grab a bite to eat or even have a browse! You’d be surprised at how much smoother and relaxed your journey feels when you take your time to do everything!
5. Speak to the crew
This is an important one! Let the cabin crew know that you are a nervous flyer! They’ll do anything and everything to put you at ease and will most likely check up on you as much as they can to ensure that you feel safe and are comfortable. If you are worried about anything just ask them any questions and they will always be happy to help.
There are our top 5 tips! If you found this blog helpful and would like a part 2 then hit us up on instagram @TruTravels (link to our ig) and let us know!
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