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It’s been almost 17 years since ‘Friends’ ended, but some of those famous phrases still go through my mind every day. Ross’s I’M FINNEEE’, Joey’s ‘How u doin?’ and the ultimate “We were on a break!” I still shout “pivotttttt” at my friends as I move into my new house and describe myself as ‘breezy’ as when I’m low key panicking about something but want to give off chilled vibes - aka leaving an ex a voicemail.
Friends has been and will always be legendary, so here’s how we think they’d be if they had gone travelling all those years ago.

Catch our guy Ross exploring the historical cities of Latin America. From exploring the ancient Chichen Itza to the ruins of Machu Picchu. Ross will be stealing artefacts from ancient burial sites and spending his days in museums around the city. His backpack is packed to the brim of hotel amenities he’s gathered (stolen) over the months. MAJOR SHAMPOO EXPLOSION. He leaves the room at the exact minute of the hostel check out and loses his shit when other backpackers touch his food in the community kitchen…MY SANDWICH?! Overall, Ross’ total state of awareness (Unagi) will have you protected from danger on your travels; either that or you’ll find him falling in love and getting married to anyone that pays him attention. We all know a guy like him. However, he does make a mean Margarita!
Although we think a young Chandler would rather fuck off to Yemen to avoid his problems, we can kind of see him falling asleep at the table with his mates and ending up in The Philippines. Purely for the reason that he just goes with the flow. Catch him having a secret smoke, falling in love with his best mate’s girlfriend— cough cough Kathy or offering sarcastic jokes to everyone at the hostel pub crawl. Chandler’s the guy that doesn’t quite ever grow up but can be the adult when around his even more childish best mate. Although he doesn’t quite know where he’s going in life, he brings the laughter, joy and daddy issues.

Monica, Monica, Monica! She’ll be island hopping around Europe for sure. Has everything planned to a T from the ferry timetables to the budgeting spreadsheets? The kind of traveller that looks at the menu in advance and even tries to tell the locals how to upgrade their dishes. She’s helping the hotel staff clean the rooms before, after and during check out. Monica is the planner, the rearranger, the competitor. The organised backpacker. Great to travel and tries her best to immerse herself in the local culture.. With hair braids that have shells on the ends. You know? IT’S THE HUMIDITY!
Phoebe is the definition of a wanderer, a free spirit. She’s catching a 1-way flight, checking the left phalange and seeing where the world takes her; she’ll either relocate to Pai or be living her best life in Ubud as a masseuse. Plans? She ‘doesn’t even have a plan’, The kind of the traveller who’s at one with nature. Quirky hostels, homegrown food. Give her a guitar round the campfire, and she’ll sing you a rendition of Smelly cat, Sticky shoes, or First time I met Chandler... A travelling ICON. Phoebe is the backpacker we all aspire to be.
Rachel is a SAVAGE. Not only did she convince her ex’s new girlfriend to shave her head she also flew across the world to tell him she loved him on his wedding day. Over a few drinks at the hostel bar or competitively losing beer pong, she’ll be calling her ex and leaving a voicemail to say, ‘I’m over you...I’m over you’. Rachel’s the backpacker who has absolutely no clue where/what she’s doing in life but decided to venture out travelling broke rather than live at home with daddy’s money. A young Rachel is relatable, savage and like most of us who head off travelling. DOWN FOR THE HOSTEL GOSSIP. You’ll find her as an avid sailor in Croatia or at the airport, deciding whether or not she wants to get on/off the plane.
Joey is what we’d call a foodie of this generation. He’ll be in Thailand for sure, spending his days walking back and forth along the street food market. Pad thai? Good. Khao Pad. Gooood. Satay chicken? GOOOOOD. He’s there for the food, the touristy shit and chatting up the girls over a bucket at the hostel bar dropping lines guaranteed to pull; you know ‘Years ago when I was backpacking through western Europe… hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo’. By day he’s ‘In the map’ snapping pics outside Bangkok’s Grand Palace or Wat Pho, by night he’s devouring anything and everything in sight. The hostel lothario with a terrible sense of geography.
Whatever friend you most relate to, we love them all and can’t wait for the reunion.
If you don’t like friends.. Well, that’s a moo point.
Like a cow’s opinion. It just doesn’t matter. It’s moo.
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