We're hitting the slopes!


It's time to pack away the bikinis and head to the mountains! Our latest travel style 'Ski and Apres' has us trading in the beaches Tru is so famous for and swapping into our ski gear as we take on a completely new destination! We're now travelling Ski and Apres style! We've found the perfect balance of learning new skills and sliding the slopes with a well deserved party and apres ski! This trip is guaranteed to be one to remember! That's s'no'w joke.

To learn more about Ski & Apres & our travel styles - Check out our latest blogs here!





What level of accommodation is on a Ski & Apres trip?

Our accommodation is a mixture of twin share rooms and dorms.

What type of transportation is used?

We use a range of transport on our Ski and Apres but these are mainly private minibus transfers.

How much spending money would you suggest we bring?

Everyone spends differently whilst on holiday, some buy 30 souvenirs to bring home to family and friends or decide that the first round at the bar is on them. It can really depend, before you go we will send you details of the average costs of drinks, meals out and local living in each destination so you can roughly work out how you’d be spending depending on your habits.